Graham Taylor, NDIS Advisor & Guide

An advisor and guide to individuals and families impacted by disability.  

Coordinating supports to build better lives – helping to navigate NDIS challenges, together.

ABN 18 498 60 1465

Phone 07 3040 7106

In 2018, I channelled my energy, lived experience, and 40 years of professionally acquired expertise to build a better, secure life for my son Mitchell – a man impacted by disability. 

In 2022, with Mitchell’s better life well established, I stepped out to help others do the same.

You can read about what I have done for my son – and what I can help you do – on a website ‘about Mitchell’.

I have a growing network of allied health and service connections. My services can be funded from NDIS “core supports”, or “support coordination” if you are self or plan managed.

Man sitting at notebook computer

I can help you …

Maximise the value of your NDIS plan

I see three steps to this – building a vision for your life, expressing that vision in goals for your NDIS Plan, and breaking down your goals into sub-goals and managing their achievement.

Find the right supports and allied health expertise to help you achieve your goals

Finding the right supports for you – in both people and equipment – makes all the difference to the quality of your life.  Ensuring those supports are guided and informed by the right expertise can amplify the value they bring.

Image by Katie White from Pixabay

Put together the processes and tools to maintain that better life

Robust organising processes and structures can keep your better life intact and heading in the right direction.  They help keep your supports working as they should, to achieve your goals.

Plan and secure a future that doesn’t rely on family always being there

Having the strong networks around you are critical to keeping that better life you have built functioning once loved ones are no longer able to help.

Take the next step and send me a message.  Alternatively, you can book a free initial phone consultation.

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