A few words about Mitchell and restrictive practices

A three minute read

Fluffy microphone for an interviewIt has been 14 months since the last post!  A lot has happened in that time.

Mitchell has been safe and generally well.  His family have had their ups and downs – more on that in a later post.  This post is really just a pointer to a recent article by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)↗ that involved Mitchell and his parents.

Sarah Richards↗, a journalist with the ABC reached out to us, explaining they were doing an article on how unauthorised restrictive practices used on people with disability have increased 5-fold in the last three years.  They asked if we were prepared to be interviewed for the article – we said yes!

Mitchell … featured on the ABC News!

The article can be found here↗.  Mitchell even featured on the ABC News on the evening of Friday 19 May.

As we said in a previous post↗, there are no restrictive practices in Mitchell’s life now.

Information on the Australian Law Reform Commission’s website↗ explains how restrictive practices limit the rights and freedom of movement of a person with disability.  There is an obligation on organisations that use restrictive practices legally to reduce and eliminate them where possible.

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