
About ... Mitchell

Mitchell is a young man in his thirties.  He was diagnosed with autism when a young child and with an intellectual impairment in his school years.  As an adult, Mitchell developed epilepsy during a prolonged hospital stay to battle a viral infection.

Mitchell requires a high level of support, has poor gross and fine motor skills, and can demonstrate a range of challenging behaviours.  Mitchell has a limited vocabulary and at times uses an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) tool called Proloquo2Go↗ to be understood.

Since accessing the National Disability Insurance Scheme↗ (NDIS) in late 2018, Mitchell’s life has gotten a lot better.

About ... the authors

Mitchell’s parents have learned so much about helping Mitchell and improving his quality of life since he accessed the NDIS.  They felt some of those important lessons should be recorded somehow to help others who might be considering a similar journey.

About ... this website

This website is Mitchell’s parent’s attempt to record those important lessons.  It is largely intended to be a blog covering such topics as:

  • What inspired them to take the approach they did.
  • The professional support they had to do what they did.
  • The mechanics of making it all happen.

Of course, there will be a lot about what Mitchell gets up to in his now rather busy life.

This website is not sponsored or funded by a third party.

If you are new to this website Mitchell’s backstory is worth a read.  To appreciate how much his world has improved, you need to understand how things were.

You can go have a look at the Blog Posts.

Mitchell’s father is now providing a service to help others do for their loved ones what he and his wife did for Mitchell.

You can keep up with latest about Mitchell on Instragram and Twitter.