Interview with support worker

Interviews with some of Mitchell's support workers

As we said in one of our posts↗, finding the right people to support Mitchell living his life day-to-day has been the most important part of putting Mitchell’s new world together.  It has also proved to be one of the most challenging tasks we have undertaken, if not the most challenging.

Looking at Mitchell’s life now, we see how his support workers are thriving as well as Mitchell.  Working direct for Mitchell’s family rather than a company has enabled them to bring more of themselves – their personalities – into Mitchell’s life.  This in turn has made Mitchell’s life richer and more enjoyable.

Bespoke Lifestyles specialise in this way of working – see yet another post↗!

Hear from Jeanette and Adrian

The button to the right lets you watch a series of videos that capture a discussion between two members of Mitchell’s support team, Jeanette and Adrian, and our recruitment specialist Heidi.

Hear from Kaspar

You can also hear from someone who used to be a member of Mitchell’s Crew – Kaspar.  See the button to the right.

You can look at the Blog Posts.