
Being in Mitchell's life

Mitchell is seen as ‘a little different’ to many people and so does not have many friends in his life.  His family are working to change that.  They have put energy into building up the circle of friends around Mitchell to help support him – this is often called a circle of support.

You can read about support circles and a more formal microboard on Australia’s National Resource Centre for Circles of Support and Microboards↗.  Bespoke Lifestyles – a NDIS service provider who helps us – has a blog post about starting a circle of support↗.

If this interests you, feel free to contact Mitchell’s family at the email address listed in the footer of this page.

Disability Support Worker - in home

We are hiring banner

Mitchell’s family are currently looking for a disability support worker to join Mitchell’s Crew!  Please click on the ‘Apply on Indeed’ link to see the job ad and apply.

Mitchell’s family really encourage applicants to watch a few interviews with his existing support workers to get an idea what working on Mitchell’s Crew is like, see link below.

You can hear about being a part of Mitchell’s Crew from a few of his support workers.

If you are new to this website Mitchell’s backstory is worth a read.  To appreciate how much his world has improved, you need to understand how things were.

You can go have a look at the Blog Posts.

Mitchell’s father is now providing a service to help others do for their loved ones what he and his wife did for Mitchell.

You can keep up with latest about Mitchell on Instragram and Twitter.

Disability Support Worker - in home

We are hiring banner

Mitchell’s family are currently looking for a disability support worker to join Mitchell’s Crew!  Please click on the ‘Apply on Seek’ link to see the job ad and apply.

Mitchell’s family really encourage applicants to watch a few interviews with his existing support workers to get an idea what working on Mitchell’s Crew is like, see link below.