Photo gallery

Photo gallery

Mitchell has really been getting a lot more pleasure out of life the last few years.  The photo galleries here will give you an idea of the things he gets up to.  There are some videos as well.

Mitchell’s Instagram account also gets updated fairly regularly.

Going sailing!

One of the activities Mitchell has been consistently doing for many years is sailing.  An organisation called Sailability↗ does an outstanding job introducing people with a disability to the joy of being out on the open water.

Libraries and books

Mitchell has always loved books.  We are sure it started way back when we would read to him each night before he settled into bed.  Some of these pictures are from a favourite local haunt, The Really Good Book Shop↗.  He has been visiting this place for so long there is a sign up in his favourite section of the shop, “Mitchell’s Corner”.   Mitchell also regularly visits the Logan West Library↗.

This video shows Mitchell in his element, happily sitting in his corner looking through the shop’s treasure trove of books. Listen to Mitchell. Look at the focus on his face. Mitchell is happy, he is enjoying himself!

Visiting zoos, seeing animals

On day trips out of Brisbane, Mitchell visits places like the Darling Downs Zoo↗ and the Mountainview Alpaca Farm↗.  Here are some of the pictures from those visits.

Riding the Miniature Train!

Mitchell makes regular visits to a local park to see and ride a miniature train.  The members of the Logan Model Engineering Society↗ do a great job of keeping the train and track in running order.

Picnics and walks

Mitchell enjoys getting out and about is his local community.  Here is a collection of photos of Mitchell visiting local parks and checking out Christmas lights near his home.

Mitchell’s home

These photos show Mitchell’s home when it was first purchased, and after it was done up. Some photos before any work was done are scanned from a real estate brochure.

You can watch some videos that tell aspects of Mitchell’s story.

You can go have a look at the Blog Posts.